Chainsaw Spawn Fix - Prevents the chainsaw from spawning on a first playthrough, which is a developer-intended design choice.
Cemetery Lighting Fix - Fixes an issue where wrong data is used when saving the game in the cemetery, which can corrupt fog effects.
Catacomb's Meat Cold Room Fix - Updates the color and lighting of the catacomb's meat cold rooms to be more like the PS2 version of the game.
Requires Windowed Mode to be enabled (WndMode = 1).
Borderless Windowed Mode - Enable or disable windows border.
Black Pillar Box Fix - Forces all dynamically made letterboxing and pillarboxing to be black in color.
asi into the game using Ultimate ASI Loader.
ASI Loader - Loads custom libraries with the file extension.
AutoUpdater - Automatically updates the module when new versions comes out.
Audio Clip Detection - Detects when the audio is stopped prematurely and fades out to avoid pops in the sound.
Audio Script Builder - Allows you to create or update the SH2 audio files.
Apartment Clock Fix - Fixes flashlight rendering on the apartment grandfather clock after a failed attempt to push it.
Anisotropic Filtering - Enable or disable anisotropic filtering.
It also includes scripts to build or modify SH2 audio files (SFX, BGM and Dialog). A project designed to enhance Silent Hill 2 (SH2) graphics and audio for the PC.